Arinze Ekwealor
Hello, my name is Arinzechukwu Ekwealor, but you can call me Arinze for short. I am a Hoosier by heart. I went to IUPUI and studied Mechanical Engineering. From there I went on to get my Masters in Business at the University of Southern Indiana. I have worked for a handful of engineering positions, but nothing called to me more than the idea of helping my community. I realized that home owners are not only uneducated about the purchase they are making, but they are also left scrambling to pick up the pieces afterwards. Many homeowners are left unable to maintain their property as needed or they simply lose the free time needed in order to do so. Here at Home-Ade we are here to change that by making sure real estate owners get the help they need - when they need it. It's that simple for us. We are here to offer a helping hand when needed.